As early as the beginning of 2000, with the first adherence to ISO 9001 and ISO 14001, we have set our processes with a view to quality monitoring in the supply chain and of improving environmental performance. With increasing in-house expertise and awareness of the social, economic and environmental challenges of the production environment, we work on innovation to integrate sustainability into our business.
Through our R&D laboratory we have promoted, as leader of the Associazione Grandi Cru di Montefalco, the New Green Revolution, the first Italian sustainability protocol for the wine sector, validated in 2013 by CSQA.
The protocol New Green Revolution was a first decalogue of valuesstudied and designed for the Montefalco areato join for certifying sustainability the wine sector.
Today most of the principles included in it are entrati to be part of the national protocol Equalitasa voluntary environmental, economic and social sustainability protocol that we joined in 2019, the same year it was createdand with which we are certified.