The symbolic wine of Montefalco and the surrounding hills receives the award of the DOC on 30 October 1979 and the DOCG 5 November 1992under the name of Montefalco Sagrantino, marking two stages fundamentals in the recent development of the territory.
As early as 1829 the historian John Calindri cites Montefalco at the top of the State for its vini at "Essay geographical, historical, statistical of the Papal Territory". Sagrantino is recognised as a grape variety of ancient cultivation in Umbria by the Ampelographic Commission of the Foligno district (Ministry Agriculture, Industry and Trade. "Bulletin Ampelographic, 1879, XII, p. 34) and in 1893 by William Baldeschi ne "I grape varieties and wines of Umbria'..
In 1925, at the Umbria Wine Exhibition, Montefalco is defined as the most important wine-growing centre in the region, occupying first place in specialised vineyard cultivation with an average annual yield of 65 quintals of grapes per hectareconfirming the Sagrantino such as vine with tendentially modest yields.
In 1971 l'EDevelopment Authority of Umbria launches a experimental production by "wine Sagrantino"and the following year the Cantina Cooperativa di Foligno starts atthe vinification of dry Sagrantino.
In 1973, the application for recognition of the Montefalco DOC was submitted and, after six years, the then Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry publishes the decree recognising the Denominazione di Origine Controllata (DOC) for Montefalco Rosso, e the Montefalco Sagrantino in S versionsecco and Passitofollowed by the recognition of the DOCG in 1992. l disciplinaryi calledno strict rules on environmental conditions and vineyard cultivation that give grapes and wines their unique characteristics