Social Sustainability

A serious and constant commitment to sustainability

For a long time now, the Arnaldo Caprai company has stood out for its serious and constant commitment to sustainability, so much so that it has obtained from the Wine Enthusiast Magazine Awards the 'European Winery of the Year 2012' award, where sustainability means the right balance between the three aspects: social, environmental, economic.

Theproject #Caprai4love is fully in line with social sustainability, aiming to achieve of a series of actions and practices aimed at realising of objectives intangibles.

#Caprai4love 2013 celebrated the extraordinary recovery of the missive that Benozzo Gozzoli wrote and sent from Montefalco in 1452 to communicate, to one of the most powerful families of the time, his renunciation of an important assignment in Florence, because he was busy completing the cycle of frescoes in the Church of San Francesco. A historical testimony of love that offers Montefalco, Umbria and the general public a unique opportunity to admire the manuscript in the very place where it was produced.

The project aims to reason with the heart, that corporate heart that beats for immaterial values, and as Marco Caprai says: "We find in the table of Beato Angelico the highest point of those spiritual values that the Arnaldo Caprai and Cruciani companies will increasingly have to 'embrace', given the continuous evolution of such dynamics in the world of consumer goods".

#Caprai4love 2014 continued the project with the presentation of the autograph letter dated 27 June 1452, enriching it with the exceptional loan from the Vatican Museums of the 'Madonna and Child between St. Dominic and St. Catherine of Alexandria' by Beato Angelico, dated 1435, on display at the San Francesco museum complex from 4 April to 4 May 2014. The purchase of the precious manuscript and the exhibition of the painting were made possible thanks to the sale of the bracelet Montefalco in the Heartmade by Cruciani Spa.

Precisely for this reason #Caprai4love does not stop and for next year the intent and purpose of the bracelet sale Montefalco in the Heart is to support the restoration of a polychrome wooden sculpture with a cross and gilded rays, attributed to an Umbrian sculptor who lived in the second half of the 16th century and preserved in the municipal museum of S. Francesco in Montefalco.


DiVento is the solidarity and sustainable wine of the Donne della Vite for the Casa di Anita di Amani ONLUS. Every year a new wine faithful [...]

New Green Revolution

The New Green Revolution project The Arnaldo Caprai winery adheres to the Montefalco 2015: the New Green Revolution project, the first Italian sustainability protocol applied to the [...]

Economic sustainability

The territory of Montefalco has unique, original, unrepeatable and permanent characteristics that translate into historical, natural, cultural and relational assets that cannot be acquired or transferred [...].